Mangal Rahu Angarak Dosha Puja
Angarak Dosha is the placement of Mars and Rahu in the same house in the birth chart in Vedic Astrology. The term “Angarak” refers to the dying fire or ember that is Mars’s nature. As a result, those affected by the adverse effects of Mangal (Pitta) and Rahu (Vata) experience excessive anger and pitta, accidents, blood-related diseases, and skin problems.
Mangal – Rahu Angarak Dosha produces different outcomes depending on their placement and degree of conjunction. They may face many obstacles in their career and relationships due to their aggressive nature and hasty decisions. The Mangal Rahu Angarak Dosha Nivaran Puja is the most effective Vedic method for removing Dosha’s adverse effects.
- Mangal Rahu Angarak Dosha occurs when Mars conjuncts Rahu in any house in a kundli.
- This placement is considered inauspicious and malevolent in Vedic Astrology. When Mangal Rahu Angarak Dosha Puja or Angarak Yoga is present in a person’s kundli, the malefic effects of harmful planets are magnified. In contrast, the positive effects of beneficial planets are reduced.
- Because Mars is a warrior planet associated with fire, a person suffering from Angarak Dosha is overly aggressive and often violent.
- A person with Mangal Rahu Angarak Dosha Puja in their kundli frequently has negative thoughts and attitudes toward everything, resulting in strained relationships.
- They are also vulnerable to unexpected accidents, losses, and misfortunes. Money problems may arise as a result of Angarak Dosha.
- The severity of the malefic effects of the Angarak Dosha in a kundli varies depending on the house responsible for the Dosha.
- The Angarak Dosha Nivaran Puja relieves the malefic effects of the Angarak Dosha and bestows health, wealth, prosperity, and peace of mind.
How does Mangal Rahu Angarak Dosha Puja Work?
- Mangal Rahu Angarak Dosha Puja, The Puja of Kalash and the other five essential deities, namely Ganesh, Shiva, Matruka, Navagraha, and Pradhan-Devta, are included in the Angarak Dosha Nivaran Puja. Puja entails chanting/reciting Mangal Bija Mantra (10,000 times) and Rahu Bija Mantra (18,000 times).
- Then, a Homa (Havan) ritual is performed in which Ghee, Seasam, Barley, and other sacred material associated with Lord Mars and Rahu are offered to Agni while reciting 1,000 Mars Mantras and 1,800 Rahu Mantras.
- Yagya / Homa is an essential remedy for removing the adverse effects of Angarak Dosha in your chart.
- To achieve the best results, the puja will be performed on the nearest best Muhurat, i.e. in a Rahu or Mars Nakshatra and on Tuesday or Wednesday.MyPandit will appoint a team of 4 to 5 priests led by an Aacharya, who are masters of Vedic rituals, to complete the Puja during the Muhurta.
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