Mangal Graha Shanti Puja

  • Redeem the financial loss and get growth back on the path
  • Channelize the energy in the right direction and have aim based vision
  • Most importantly it reduces the effects of Mangal Dosh
  • Personalized Puja Based On Your Sankalp
  • Attend Live Vedic Puja
  • Expert Team Of Vedic Pandits
  • Authentic Online Puja At Your Convenience

Mangal Graha Shanti Puja

In Vedic astrology, Mars represents passion, anger, courage, physical strength, dominance, and sexual desires. On the other hand, a negative Mars can make you weak, aggressive, fearful, etc. Thus, you need to tackle Mars and strengthen it. Mangal Puja can help you overcome the evil effects of Mars in your Chart.

  • This Puja brings stability in personal and professional life, this puja helps to minimize the ill effects of Mangal Graha. 
  • Mangal Graha Shanti Puja plays a vital role in removing the obstacles of marital life.
  • The Mangal Puja helps to avoid the eventualities of fights and arguments.
  • If you have a weak Mars in your horoscope, Mangal puja will help you to strengthen your Mars.

How Does Mangal Graha Shanti Puja Works?

  • Magal (Mars) Puja is performed with Shodashopachara steps along with reciting the traditional Mangal (Kuja) Mantra 10000 times. 
  • Puja also involves the Havan ritual wherein, ghee, sesame, barley, and other sacred material related to Lord Mars will be offered to Again while reciting 1000 Mangal (Kujja) Mantras. 
  • Yagya is a significant remedy to remove the evil effect of the planets in our chart. To get maximum positive results, Puja will be performed on the nearest best Muhurat i.e Tuesday or on the day of Mars Nakshatra. 
  • Puja will be taken place by multiple priests assigned by MyPandit and led by the master Pandit with immense knowledge of Mangal Shanti Puja.

Shipping Details

Attuned Yantra, Yagya Bhasma & Pendant will be sent post-Puja through courier services that take 5-10 business days within India and 10-15 business days for international shipping.

The puja will be performed in the following manner:- The Acharya will receive details of all the pujas to be performed and will assign your puja to a particular Panditji and schedule it. The designated Panditji will perform only one puja at a time. Your Panditji will receive your details and will study it to create a “Sankalpa” or a Statement of Purpose for the Puja. This is very important since it has to align with your purpose. Just before the Puja starts, a call will be placed to you so that your Panditji can get you to recite the Sankalpa with him. This marks the beginning. You can also attend this puja live via Google meet. While the Puja is being done, you should try to sit in a quiet corner in your house or in a temple and recite “Om Bhaumay Namah” continuously. At the end of the Puja, your Panditji will call you again to transfer the positive energy generated during the Puja. This process is known as “Shreya Dana” or “Sankalp Purti”. This marks the end of the Puja.
No. The beauty of this process is that you are not physically required to be present while the Puja is being done.

To perform the Mangal Graha Shanti Puja we need the following details:-

Full Name, Gotra (Not Mandatory), Current City of Residence including State, Country, Statement of Purpose, etc.

Generally, it takes about 5 hours. To get maximum benefits it is advisable to chant “Om Bhaumay Namah” while your Puja is being performed.
We personalise the Puja for you in the following manner:- A dedicated Panditji is allocated to perform your Puja. For about 5 hours he performs the Puja only for you. You can also attend this puja live via Google meet. The Statement of Purpose given by you is the basis of the
Mangal Graha Shanti Puja is a very powerful process and it generates a considerable amount of positive energy. The strength of your “Sankalpa” or the Statement of Purpose determines how effective it will be. When this Puja is done with full involvement and faith you will get the results within 2 to 3 months.
Yes, this Puja can be performed regularly primarily for the following purposes:- If the “Sankalpa” or the Statement of Purpose is too big, just one Puja might not be sufficient to give you enough spiritual energy to overcome the obstacles in your path. You might have to repeat the Puja on a monthly basis to get the desired results. If the planetary combinations affecting you negatively are too strong, the amount of spiritual energy required is higher and the Puja can be repeated in that case too. IIf you have significantly huge “dosha” or negative influences by birth, then this Puja done on a monthly basis can work wonders for you. Depending on the situation, It may take a few months before the results start showing, but performing it regularly does create a positive upward spiral for you.
Generally speaking, Gemstone and Rudraksha have a lifelong purpose when they are worn. A Puja can have a specific purpose in the short term. The combination of wearing a Gemstone or a Rudraksha and performing a Puja is a very powerful one, especially when you want to achieve a huge goal or want to escape from the negative effects of adverse planetary combinations.
Yes, it can help your family members, neighbours, friends, acquaintances, in short, EVERYONE. It is however advisable to have one Puja performed for only one person at a time. Otherwise, it might not be effective for anyone involved in the process.