Order Id #1298227 Report Process - MyPandit

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Siddharth Subash

1986-02-24 07:47



lost my job..need advise..I want to get a gd job and good career after that. also would need good money and wealth..how to get this in abundance. please advise.


Dear Siddharth Subash ,

As per your current chart i can calculate of your job the rahu ketu transaction is not good for u but the good things is that before 2nd feb you will get the job 2024 and 2025 is best for work place plz do not waste a money cause i can chek that.second in future finance is very healthy in your Horoscope

Important Information About Your Kundali

ASAP wear 5.25caret opal nd do Lord devi durga pooja in very auspicious time wear purple color Smart watch on your Hand.every day chanting 'OHM DUM DURGAY NAMAH '108 time